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When it comes to healthy foods or healthy snacks, nothing comes closer to a delicious smoothie. You can drink one as part of a healthy breakfast, on the go, or at the gym. No matter what you are into, swimming or even jogging smoothies can quench your thirst and stop you from being hungry. Sometimes part of a healthy lunch, or breakfasts, a smoothie can give you that extra ounce of energy to finish everything you wanted to achieve on any given day. But what are the best smoothies? How do we mix nutritious ingredients to make a delicious smoothie without sacrificing taste?


The base of all smoothies is liquids. Without liquids, all you will get by putting fruits and vegetables in the blender is a gooey puree. Especially since liquids make the blender run smoothly and help the blades chop better. One of the first ingredients that can be used in a smoothie is water. Since water doesn’t have any additives or calories, tap water or bottled water is a good choice, depending on where you live. If your tap water is highly chlorinated or unfiltered, opt for bottled water. In some cases, use a filter to stop the chlorine, the sediments, and the metallic compounds from getting into your body.

Besides water, the best thing to make smoothies from is fruit juice; whether apple, orange, pineapple, or another kind of juice, fruit juice adds sweetness to any smoothie. However, most juices are full of sugar and calories; therefore, always look for juice labeled “100% fruit juice,” “no added sugar.” Or you can make your fresh-squeezed juice yourself; this way, you know what is in it. Some of the best fruit juices are pomegranate juice and acai berry juice, with their immense antioxidant value. Cranberry juice is full of vitamin C and nutrients that prevent bacterial build-up. Orange juice is famous for its low-calorie count and has Vitamin C. Besides fruit juice, milk is one of the best liquids to add to your smoothie.

Milk is rich in calcium and vitamins B and D. If you are lactose intolerant, try to substitute milk with coconut, almond, cashew, soy milk, or other non-dairy product. If you don’t like any of these alternatives, try green tea or black tea. Out of these two, green tea is less processed, thus keeping most of its nutritive value. In addition, green tea is abundant in antioxidants, and its polyphenols have cancer-fighting attributes.

The best way to introduce green tea to your smoothie is to make the tea yourself and add it to your smoothie or put one teaspoon of green tea powder in your drink.

Beloved by many, coconut water should be used in any smoothie and sports drink because of its electrolyte qualities. Naturally sweet, coconut water is fat-free and has only 50 calories per serving. Unless you buy coconuts and extract the coconut water, always look for the ingredients added to the pre-packaged coconut water. Many brands add sugar or artificial sweeteners to their products while others don’t.

father and daughter sharing a smoothie


While the base of every healthy drink should always be liquids, the heart of the smoothie is always fruit. Fruit makes the smoothie thicker, sweater, and healthier. Even though most fruits are sweet, you should choose fruits that puree well: pears, figs, mangos, bananas, because these fruits will give you the creamy consistency you need.

The question you need to ask yourself is whether to go with the fresh fruit or try frozen fruits. It depends on the season and freshness. It is better to use fresh fruit unless you find only bad quality fruit or the fruit is not available. You can then use the frozen fruit instead. If you use frozen fruit, the smoothie will come out a little bit chilled, which is perfect on those hot summer days. The question remains: Which fruit should you choose for your smoothie? You can find some of the healthiest fruits below:

Apples are rich in fibers, and pectin lowers cholesterol, regulates blood sugar, and prevents heart disease. Because most of the vitamin C is found right under the peel, when using the fruit, don’t remove the peel. When buying apples, get only organic products because they will have less pesticide than the non-organic ones. If you like your apples a little bit sour and crispier, buy green apples. If you want sweeter apples, look for red and yellow apples. While a great ingredient in salads, avocados can also be used your smoothie, giving the drink a creamier quality. Full of healthy fats, avocados are also rich in fiber, folate, magnesium, as well as vitamins C, E, and K. Cut the fruit in half, toss the pit away, and scrape the pulp into your blender with a spoon.

Beloved by many because of their sweetness, bananas are very creamy when blended. If you have bananas lying around turning brown and black, peel them, freeze them, and use them in smoothies. Bananas are rich in vitamin A, C, E, and K and folate, calcium, magnesium, and iron. They are an excellent antacid, and they protect the stomach lining against ulcer-causing acids.

Berries are a vital ingredient in smoothies. Rich in antioxidants and low in sugar, berries add color to your smoothies as well as sweetness and taste. You can throw them in the blender, fresh or frozen. Blackberries are rich in fiber and vitamin C. Blueberries have antioxidants. Cranberries are great for the digestive and urinary tract, and they are suitable for detoxification. High in fibers and low in sugar, raspberries are good for weight loss. Strawberries have anti-inflammatory qualities, antioxidants and they increase metabolism, while grapes, also rich in antioxidants, add a level of sweetness to your smoothie.

There are three ways you can add coconut to your smoothie. You can scrape the white coconut pulp off the inside of the fruit and put that in the smoothie, or you can add coconut milk or coconut water to your favorite smoothie. Rich in phosphorus and potassium, coconuts also contain zinc, magnesium, and folate.

Most people eat figs fresh or dried, but figs can be a great addition to any smoothie. Because of their cancer-fighting quality, figs are also rich in B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Unfortunately, the ripest figs are the ones with the darkest skin. So wash them well, try to remove their skin, and throw them in the blender.

Notorious for its vitamin C value, Kiwi fruit is one of the few fruits that have vitamin E. Kiwi fruit should be peeled and cut into chunks. While green kiwis are sour, their yellow counterparts are sweet in comparison.

Sweet, delicious mangos can give your smoothie a lovely, creamy texture. In addition, mangos fortify the immune system and prevent cancers with its beta carotene, which is also good for the skin.

The colorful and diverse melon family is rich in antioxidants, lycopene, and a high source of potassium, vitamin A and C. Melons are excellent for smoothies because they are over 90% water.

When most people think of oranges, they think of orange juice for breakfast or eating the fruit whole. Nobody is thinking of putting orange slices in the blender. When introducing oranges to smoothies, you can either put only the juice in or throw the whole fruit in the blender. Because the fruit is soft, the blender blades will have no problem slicing the fruit, mixing the oranges’ delicious sweet and sour taste with your delightful smoothie.

You can also add a few lemons or limes to your smoothie to give a tart lemon flavor and a boost of vitamin C. If you want to, add lemons or limes to your smoothies. To make fruit-flavored lemonade, blend a few fruits with a lemon or two, add a few spoons of sugar, fill the glass with ice and water, and you will have your very own fruity lemonade.

Peaches add sweetness and texture to your smoothie. Frozen or fresh, peaches have Vitamin C and A, B3, iron, and boron. The best way to put a peach into the blender is to cut the fruit in half, remove the pit, and cut each half in half again; this way, your blender will have no problem with the fruit. You can also put some peach sliced in the blender, add some yogurt and milk and have a peach smoothie, or even blend some slices with lemonade for a tasty peach lemonade.

Pears are a good source of vitamin C and fiber and have a multitude of minerals. Wash them well, cut them in quarters, and throw them in a blender.

Pineapples are great for smoothies, especially since they are naturally sweet. The best way to introduce pineapple into a smoothie is to peel the fruit and dice it; this way, the blender’s blades will have no problem chopping this anti-inflammatory, enzyme-filled fruit. When it comes to pomegranates, only the seeds are edible; cut the fruit into quarters, place the slices in a bowl of water, and using a spoon, gently remove the seeds.

woman drinking a nutritious smoothie


Another group of ingredients that you can introduce in the smoothie is vegetables. We all know that greens are good for smoothies, but the same goes for vegetables, especially when adding some cool colors to your drinks.

Beets are rich in fibers, iron, vitamin A, calcium, and potassium, and are suitable for the gallbladder and your liver. Cut them into cubes and throw them in the smoothie. Also, don’t forget that their green leaves are even more nutritious than the root. The leaves have twice the nutritional value of the root.

Broccoli is very healthy; this vegetable is high in fiber, vitamin C, B2, iron, and potassium. Broccoli has a bitter taste, so put just a little at a time in your smoothie until you get used to the taste. Popular in smoothies, cabbage has a mild taste and will give your smoothie a good consistency.

Cabbage is high in Vitamin C and E, calcium, sulfur, and iodine, and is very good for people who suffer from intestinal and stomach issues. Chop a few leaves and throw them in the blender.

Celery has quite a range of nutrients; vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and potassium, to name a few. These are suitable for boosting the immune system and preventing your body from developing kidney stones. Celery also prevents strokes and osteoporosis. Celery has a distinctive taste, so it’s better to start with one stalk and then you can add more if you choose to do so. Both celery stalks and leaves can be thrown into smoothies. Cut the stalks into chunks before tossing them into your blender and enjoy them in your smoothie.

Last but not least kale, is the key to any smoothie, especially a green smoothie made only with greens. Kale is rich in beta-carotene, a powerful anti-oxidant, that can be turned into vitamin A. This compound is a great anti-oxidant and Vitamin A help produce white blood cells which in turn helps fight infections. Because kale leaves are very tough, chop them a little before you throw them in the blender.


Carrots will also add a touch of sweetness to your drink. The problem with carrots is that they are tough to blend with other vegetables, so throw them in a juicer and the juice to your favorite smoothie. Carrots have large amounts of vitamin A, B3, C, and E and minerals. They are suitable for the eyes and the stomach; they also prevent kidney stones and gout and alleviate arthritis. If you want to add celery to your drink, it is better to start with a small piece at first because celery in juice can give quite the punch when it comes to taste; if you like the taste, you can put more the next time.

Sometimes forgotten by the smoothie world, cucumbers are very refreshing and are suitable for weight loss. Cucumbers have vitamin C, K, and potassium, and the skin has large amounts of fiber; that is why it is best not to peel the skin. Just wash it very well, throw the whole thing in the blender or cut it into chunks.

If you want your smoothie to be creamier, put a little bit of pumpkin in them. Not only do they give texture to the drink but the flavor is also unforgettable. If you bake the pumpkin a bit, the oven’s heat will enrich the flavor even further. You can also use canned pumpkin if you don’t have fresh fruit; just put one cup, and you will never forget its flavor.

When it comes to smoothies, you might not consider sweet potatoes, but sweet potatoes, just like pumpkin, give your smoothie a remarkable taste. Take the sweet potato, bake it a little bit first to release all the flavors, then throw it into the blender. Filled with vitamin B6, C, and E, sweet potatoes also contain fiber, beta-carotene, and folate. Because they don’t have too many calories, they are an excellent ingredient for people who want to lose weight and would like to work out.

Just like sweet potatoes, you would never think of throwing a zucchini in a smoothie. Because the zucchini has such a mild taste, it won’t affect the other ingredients. A good source of vitamins B2, A, and C, zucchini is rich in minerals such as copper, phosphorus, potassium, fiber, and folate. Make sure you chop the zucchini into chunks before you throw it into the blender.

woman with long hair drinking


In addition to fruits and vegetables, add nuts to your smoothie. How do we make delicious smoothies? When it comes to nuts, buy a nut chopper, grind them into a fine powder or let them soak overnight, and throw them in the blender. Cashews have more iron and zinc than any other nuts; they can be ground into a fine powder and added to any smoothie. Almonds are rich in calcium and vitamin E as well as minerals. If you like almonds and cashews, you can go another route and add almond milk or cashew milk to your smoothie. Full of selenium, calcium, and magnesium, Brazilian nuts are a good source of antioxidants. Pecans have over two dozen vitamins and minerals; this powerhouse in the nut world can be ground and sprinkled over any smoothie. How do we make delicious smoothies with seeds?

Just like you introduced nuts into your smoothie, you can introduce seeds as well. Sesame seeds are full of minerals and B vitamins as well as protein and fiber. Pumpkin seeds are filled with minerals and proteins and contain vitamins, fiber, and amino acids. Sunflower seeds can add a healthy dose of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants and help reduce cholesterol, lower blood sugar, and aid people who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety.


Herbs make a great addition to your smoothie. Suitable for the immune system and filled with vitamins A, C, and K and minerals, basil can add a little bit of spice and flavor to any smoothie. The same goes for cilantro. Cilantro has fiber and antioxidants and vitamins A, B complex, and C. Like cilantro, mint will make any drink refreshing and healthy. Mint has vitamin A, B2, C, together with its mineral value, which will give you a boost of energy and refresh you on a hot day.


Adding a little bit of spice to your smoothie can give every drink a little bit of a kick and flavor. Cardamon is rich in calcium and other minerals and helps the digestive system. If you like cinnamon in hot teas and hot chocolate, use it in smoothies. It has a sweet taste, and it’s full of antioxidants. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol and is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Ginger has its unique flavor when it comes to taste.

Most often used in cookies and muffins, ginger will add a lot to any smoothie. If you use fresh ginger, peel it, cut a little slice, and grate it onto your favorite smoothie. Ginger helps the digestive system, especially with nausea. This spice is full of antioxidants, fiber, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, Vitamin C, and E, and has anti-inflammatory attributes as well. Nutmeg powder is usually sprinkled on many smoothies to add flavor. Nutmeg has magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. How do we make delicious smoothies? This is how! The next time you are at your local cafe or juice bar, or you are in a mood for a dessert, remember that you can do your very own tropical smoothie at home; and remember: smoothie is king!

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  1. zoritoler imol

    he blog was how do i say it… relevant, finally something that helped me. Thanks

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