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What Pre and Post Workout Meal for Weight Loss

Is It Better to Eat Before of After a Morning Workout for Weigh Loss?

Let’s talk workout meal for weight loss. Who doesn’t like a good snack after going to the gym? When people are dieting most people make a major mistake: they starve themselves or skip meals.

This method, highly wrong, very dangerous and highly used by teens gets people in a hospital rather quicky. People who starved themselves loose more than just weight, they lose muscle, bone density and even their lives.

You can take the irony this way: to lose weight, you need to eat; how ironic. But you need to eat right. If you exercise right and you start today more than likely you are going to be on the right path; however, don’t forget to eat, because after all eating and exercising go hand in hand.

Therefore, heaving a healthy meal before and after a workout is very important. Let’s dive deeper in a workout meal for weight loss.

What is the pre and post workout meal for weight loss? Most people know the idea of working out but don’t know how to work out the right way.

How many times you have been to the gym and saw people working out, and growling, and turning red and pretty much having a blood vessel pop in your head. The key is taking it easy. If you look to workout, try the fallowing steps.

women working out in the gym, doing aerobic exercises

It’s important to have a hearty meal when you get out of the bed and start your day, no matter what you plan, gym, or no gym, work, or no work, begin your day with something healthy in your tummy.

I’m not talking about eating turkey, staffing, mashed potatoes, and the works. Before you work out eat something, you never what to work out on an empty stomach. If you don’t have an hour to spare just drink a sports drink and have some fruit or cereals.

Half of bowl of cereals with some banana slices or berries and a glass of orange juice or some yogurts, might be what the doctor ordered. Not only your body will get its energy back but the nutrients speeding up your muscle recovery.

An excellent workout meal for weight loss are carbs – eat some a few hours after a good workout. Wait an hour or two after the after-work out snack and have some turkey sandwich, yogurt and a low-calorie smoothie or shake.

What Not To Eat Before A Pre And Workout

Since we talked about what to eat, let’s talk about what foods to avoid before working out. A Duh! Observation is to avoid beans, but not only because of the flatulence but also because beans are full of fiber and fiber in many instances will ruin your stomach. 

Some of the greens that you should always avoid is cauliflower, bok choy, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, while they are very healthy and nutritious, these vitamin powerhouses will cause bloating and gas.

A lot of pre and post workout meals have milk product in them, and for some, this might be problematic. For those of you who are lactose intolerant try some hard cheese, yogurt, or kefir because the stomach can tolerate those better than straight animal milk or soft cheeses are problematic.

Try to avoid fat and greasy foods like chicken or fries, burgers, and pizza, and instead indulge once is a while on your cheat day. The upside to these foods is how extremely delicious, but eating them more times than not, will lead to bloating, cramping and diarrhea.

Because these foods will stay in your digestive track longer and are very hard to eliminate don’t eat them before your workout. These foods will fill your stomach with gas and cause bloating and flatulence, and you really don’t want to have an accident while you are working out.

Avoid alcohol; because alcohol will also lead to rapid dehydration and that can be dangerous before your workout, not only you will perspire but if you drink alcohol, it will make you dehydrate even further, and cause you nausea, dizzy spells, and a handful of dangerous causes.

Try to avoid if you can fruit juice, soda-pop, and sweets; mostly because the contain carbs and sugars and in the short run may cause stomach cramps. Also, if you think about it what is the point of working out when you fill yourself with sweets beforehand.

woman exercising at the local athletic club

Working out is just amazing. Not only you get in shape, but you will also oxygenate your blood and muscle tissue and a good workout is amazing for your physical health as well as your psychological health. Imagine once one hour a day where you can escape your problems and just dive into some aerobics and be free.

Gym lets you escape your worries, get out of your head and be yourself. The best thing about a good workout is that it’s a way to detach from your day-by-day problems. Some people might even go to the gym to see the opposite sex in tight gym clothes work out.

Which is a bit creepy, but we are all humans, no harm no fault. So start your journey towards a new happy and healthy life today; and of course if you do so pack an amazing, delicious and healthy snack

Greek Yogurt

Start your healthy meal with some Greek yogurt and a some fresh berries; sliced strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, every yummy berry you can think of. Also you can add some granolas, nuts or seeds.

Not only Greek yogurt is delicious One of the best snacks to have before or after a workout is Greek yogurt. You can have it plain or mix it with berries and granola. Greek yogurt is an amazing food because it’s full of proteins which in turn prevent muscle breakdown.

Fruit Smoothie

One of the best choices out there is a fruit smoothie. The difference between a fruit smoothie and pop soda, is that natural sugar is easy to digest, won’t make you fat, and will give you plenty energy for a good workout.

When it comes to energy try some bananas and some berries. Bananas and especially berries are very delicious and at the same time you will get a powerful energy boost. You can use both fruits in a delicious homemade smoothie.

On top of these two magic foods are flax seeds and oats. Put these ingredients in a blender, and some almond milk and press “start” on your blender. Bananas are filled with fibers and berries are full of antioxidants, both of which will give you plenty of energy.


If you are not into fruit and seeds, try oatmeal. This is a fantastic choice for a breakfast before a workout because oatmeal is rich. What goes with oatmeal? Blueberries. Both foods served together provide an amazing amount of energy that will boost your workout and make last all day.

When you prepare your breakfast, go crazy, add some oats; or maybe you prefer chia seeds better; you can also mix some almond butter if you choose to do so. You can do this by preparing the night before and leave it overnight.

man working out his arms in the gym


The fruit that will give you the most energy is a nutrition filled banana. This magical fruit is filled with potassium and gives you plenty of energy.

Try slicing the banana and add to your oatmeal. Some even try to add a bit of honey or even peanut butter; just don’t share your snacks with anybody because some people are allergic.

This delicious treat will raise your sugar level slowly through your bloodstream and will give you plenty of energy.

When it comes to desserts and sweet treats try a mixture of sliced apple with raisins and top it off with almond butter.

Almond butter is filled with healthy fats and when you mix it with some apples, the snack will give you a sense of fulness, energy and will help you skip that extra meal that you will keep you from gaining weight. If you are an early jogger or an early swimmer, try this before your routine workout and it will fill you with energy.

Some people like to dark chocolate, honey, oats, and even a little bit of protein powder or even nut butter. On a final note, if you want to make your own energy drink, some water in a blender, add some lemon or fresh squeezed orange juice, a little bit of sea salt and honey and press the “START” button. This amazing homemade smoothie is a great way to put some electrolytes in your body.

Pre-Workout Meal for Weight Loss In The Evening

When it comes to a great workout some go to the gym like to work out in the evening. Mainly because they have a nine-to-five job, children or other commitments, and why not, go to the gym when you have time. And yet some people, who are busy during the day choose to work out during the evening.

No matter when you work out make sure you grab a bite to eat before you work out. One of the best meals to have before a workout is fruit, like a banana.

If you don’t feel like eating or are in a hurry drink a protein shake or try hard-boiled egg and a slice of toast. Another great choice to have before a workout is a small bowl of oatmeal with some slices of fruit.

women doing zumba class in the gym class

Post-Workout Meal for Weight Loss in The Evening

It is also vital to have a healthy meal after a workout. First, when you work out you lose energy and calories, so sometime is important to replenish that energy that you lost. So, your post workout meal is as vital as your pre-workout meal. Usually during a daily exercise, the whole body uses an enzyme called glycogen; this “thing” called glycogen builds up muscles and help you build tissue.

When you lose glycogen, your muscles get damaged, they fail to function the right way and you lose “the power” in your body – power needed to function day by day.

It is essential that before you go to the gym before any kind of a workout you grab a bite to eat; some people even passed out before a workout because of the lack of nutrition in their body.

While you work out and perspire your body loses water, so make sure you drink enough fluids during and after your workout. Studies show that the protein in a glass of milk helps people recover from, cold, flu, and other less serious disease.

Dairy Products

Try some dairy products after a great workout. If you are not lactose intolerant drink some milk or goat milk or even kefir. Or have some plain yogurt with ricotta cheese or even with cottage cheese. Dairy products build muscle faster quicker and faster than anything out there.

Filled with proteins dairy is great for energy and for fueling your body after a workout. If you are looking for a protein overload, have some eggs, salmon, tuna, or a chicken salad with your Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.


On a second note, let’s talk carbs, one of the primary nutrients that help rejuvenate the body. For centuries scientists and doctors have looked for the secrets of the body and how the body works; and glycogen is a mystery within itself.

For example, the body loses more energy when you jog then when you lift weights, therefore women need more carbohydrates than men.

The foods that you must try in this case is like quinoa, whole grain bed, rice, pasta, potatoes, bananas and so on. Natural fats help increase energy; when you increase your energy, and you will be able to lose more and more weight.

Try some nut butter instead of peanut butter. For a quick a snack looks for some trail mix, nuts, and seeds and for more hearty stuff try some avocado on toast.

In conclusion, the basic idea when it comes to workout meal for weight loss is made sure you eat right when you plan on working out and drink plenty of fluids, that is the key to an amazing pre and post workout meal for weight loss.