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Best gym exercise to lose weight. When it comes to weight loss, it is easier said than done. But for those who want to lose a few extra pounds, there are many ways in which a steady workout routine can get you to that goal. There isn’t any “right” way to exercise; however, specific exercises have a better result than others. The best way to go about losing weight is by focusing on cardio exercises and strength training. So what is best gym exercise to lose weight?

Doctors all over the world concluded that weight loss is related to heart rate. The higher the heart rate, the greater the fat burn. According to the Mayo Clinic, you need to spend one hour working out five days a week to lose weight. If you do not have a whole hour of free time during the day, try the 20-20-20 method. Exercise for 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes at lunch, and 20 minutes in the afternoon.

Low-Intensity Cardio for Weight Loss

One of the best types of activities for weight loss is low-intensity cardio exercises, such as bicycling, fast-paced walking, aerobics, and even swimming, for five days a week and about one hour each day. Jogging or power walking outdoors calms the nervous system and gets you in touch with nature. According to the journal of cardiology, jogging lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol; also, jogging helps lower and regulate blood pressure and improves blood circulation throughout the body. Jogging regularly is an excellent way to lose weight by burning calories. It can burn up to 550 calories per day if it’s done for a long and steady period. On psychological effects, jogging is excellent for people who suffer from depression and anxiety.

A jogging session raises the level of norepinephrine, which eliminates stress from the body and calms the nervous system in stressful situations. Jogging improves cognitive functions—not only is it suitable for the body but it is also good for the brain. While you are running, the heart pumps more oxygen to the brain, which in the long run can prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Running produces endorphins, reduces pain, and increases pleasure, making you feel happy over time. There is a correlation between jogging and sleep. People who jog have seen an improvement in their sleeping pattern—they wake up fewer times a night, sleep fewer hours, and they wake up well-rested. However, you should avoid jogging too late in the evening because those endorphins might keep you up late.

Aerobic exercises for weight loss in gym

The best thing about aerobics is the social influence it has on the psyche. On a social level, aerobics gets you to engage with people who want the same things you do: be healthy, exercise, and be surrounded by people, and the beauty of it is, you never know what friendships you will build as you work out. Aerobics also strengthens the immune system, mainly because exercising increases your white cells which protect your body from illnesses and diseases.

On the weight loss front, aerobics and fast motion burn fat cells exponentially, making aerobics an excellent solution for burning those extra pounds. By decreasing the risk of heart disease, aerobics increase life span. Heart disease is the number one killer in the world. By exercising and pumping oxygenated blood in your body, the chances of dying from heart disease diminish over time. New research shows by doing aerobics, a hormone called Irisin is released that improves memory and decreases the chances of Alzheimer’s, in addition to aiding weight loss and thermoregulation.

Jump rope for weight loss exercises

One of the most straightforward exercises for weight loss is jumping rope. Jumping rope hits six muscle groups: calves, quads, shoulders, hamstrings, glutes, and abs. It is one of the best exercises out there because you can do it at home. You don’t need to join a gym or spend a fortune on equipment. Try jumping rope when you do not have time to go for a jog or a long walk. This weight loss exercise raises your heart rate and helps you burn up to 1000 calories per hour. Try ten jumps in a row for a great warm-up, then continue jumping for two minutes without stopping. Take a minute break, and repeat the exercise three times. When you get used to jumping rope, try it in a running motion, or one leg, or mix them up—running, one leg, two legs—and repeat.

Jumping rope has other benefits as well. It improves your coordination. Even though your mind may wander off, your brain focuses on the movements of your feet and your arms. This will further help your coordination throughout your daily life. When you jump rope, you also strengthen the muscles around your legs and ankles, making you less prone to injuries.

In addition to weight loss, people who jump rope have a better posture than people who don’t. Because people rely more and more on cell phones and computers, their backs slouch more, and their shoulders curve, which over time will wreak havoc on their backs, shoulders, and bodies. When jumping rope, ensure your back is always straight, shoulders relaxed, and align your spine. This fun activity will also increase your bone density. Doctors worldwide prescribe jumping rope as the main exercise for people who suffer from injuries because it works with the whole core of the body.

Burpees for best gym exercise to lose weight

Burpees, for the advanced trainer, are a combination of pushups, jumps, and squats. This exercise is a fantastic workout because it hits and melts the fat cells on your chest, abs, and leg muscles. For practical training, do five sets of 12 reps, with a minute-long break between them. Beginners should start with one set per day and, as you progress, add up to five sets per day.

Burpees have immense weight loss benefits if they are done well. Most people avoid burpees because they are challenging to do, but the benefits are great because they work every muscle in your body if you are doing them right. With burpees, you eliminate the need to join gyms or buy expensive training equipment. In addition, burpees raise your heart rate and burn many calories. What’s even more impressive is that the body keeps on burning calories not only while you are exercising but also up to 24 hours after your workout.

Running for weight loss

One of the best cardio workouts out there is running. Usually, a runner will burn around 600 calories an hour. Running is one of the best workouts to lose weight because it also builds muscles. When a person runs, they engage almost all the muscles in their body, which is great because you don’t have to use a gazillion gym machines to work each muscle individually. Besides working wonders for the body, running also works wonders for your psychological health. Running takes you outdoors and outside your ordinary 9 to 5 working days. People who run on a daily level have seen a significant improvement in their everyday emotional life. They have also noticed their stress levels decrease and are happier in their day-to-day life.

woman in red shirt doing a upper body workout

Cycling for weight loss

Another amazing belly fat workout is cycling. The world of bike riding is a miracle within itself. When it comes to best gym exercise to lose weight, cycling not only does it make you lose weight by burning calories, but it also works your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, shin, and calf muscles. It truly is a total workout for your legs and glutes. Like running, cycling is a great outdoor exercise, which is terrific for your psychological health. How many of you work a 9 to 5 job and spend hours watching violent movies and the news after you come home from work? And you wonder why you are depressed. The best advice I can give you is to buy a bike! Go outside! You never know what adventure awaits you.

Yoga for weight loss

Sometimes you need to take a rest and relax. Unfortunately, not too many know that yoga is a fantastic weight loss exercise. Not only is it suitable for relaxation but yoga also burns an average of 500 calories an hour and up to 700 calories in some cases. Meanwhile, Pilates can burn up to 500 calories an hour. Both fitness exercises are suitable for flexibility. Both practices are also good for improving core strengths, balance, relaxation, increase of energy, as well as boosting your immune system, and improving the quality of your sleep. Making it one of the best gym exercise to lose weight out there

Butt Kick exercises for weight loss

Another great weight loss and muscle toning exercises are butt kick exercises. Start in a standing position with your arms at the side of your body and your legs apart. Gently raise your left heal towards your derriere. Do this motion by contracting your hamstring. After this motion bring your foot down and raise your other leg in the same matter. Repeat this motion a few more times. When you are comfortable with the motion and the pace, pick up the speed. When you reach a speed that feels like you are jogging its time to engage your upper body. Make sure the heal is gently touching your behind as you move you hand forward. Because butt kick exercises are very intense, start slow. Try 10 seconds on your first day and build gradually

two women exercising at the gym

High Intensity interval training workouts for weight loss

A High-Intensity Interval Training routine will also burn those unwanted calories. This method entails working out at a fast pace followed by quick 30 seconds breaks. This exercise is excellent for people who are always on the run and do not have too much time working out. According to trainers, your calories will continue to burn even hours after you work out.

A good routine would be jumping jacks for a minute, then burpees for a minute, and finally squats for a minute, with a 30-second break between them. You can perform this on a treadmill by running fast for a minute, then walking slower, then alternating to a faster pace again. The key to weight loss is lots of patience; the world wasn’t built in one day, so don’t get frustrated if you don’t lose those unwanted pounds overnight. Pace yourself; you can do it!

Stationary Bicycle for beginners

If you do not have time to go to the gym, a stationary bicycle is one of the best at-home go to weight loss gadget. With this multi porpoise apparatus, you can quickly lose a few pounds per week depending on how long your workout is and the intensity level. Exercise bikes are an excellent cardio workout, they are easy on the joints, and because you exercise indoors, you don’t have to care what the weather outside looks like. You can work out whenever you chose to. According to multiple studies, an average 130-pound person can burn around 400 calories per hour, while a 180-pound individual can easily reach the 600 calories mark.

woman with blue top exercising

The weight loss results are even more astounding at a highly intense training level. Here, the average person can lose well over 600 calories per hour, while a 185-pound individual will lose over 900 calories. On the health front stationary bicycle workouts have been linked to low cholesterol and sugar lever. People who use this method to exercise have seen their blood pressure go down. If you want to lose weight and get healthier, try to ride your bicycle for three hours or more a week. For excellent results, a minimum of five hours per week may be needed. Unfortunately, most people make one giant mistake when they exercise this way, and they tend to overdo it, pushing their bodies to exhaustion. Try to avoid this by increasing your weekly session gradually. In the beginning try ridding your stationary bicycle twice a week.

Weight Loss Power Walking

Power walking is one of the most impressive weight loss exercises out there. But how to do it? A great place to start is to watch your posture. Keep your shoulders back, your head up, and your eyes forward. But don’t overdo it; also at all time keep your body relaxed. Start with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and move your arms forward by your body. When you move your right arm forward, your left foot should do the same.

With every step, hit the ground with your heel first, then with the sole of your foot, and finally your toes. Studies show that people who walk between 10,000 and 20,000 steps a day are healthier and can delay the onset of diabetes. Power walking helps you lose belly fat, regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and prevent cancer. Power walking is an excellent activity for bone health, preventing joint problems and osteoporosis. Just four hours a week reduces the risk of hip fracture.

For people who suffer from anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, the best gym exercise to lose weight is power walking. Power walking will alleviate most worries and fears and balance your body and mind making you more relaxed and calm. Before going on your first power walk, buy a pair of sneakers with good arch support and flat soles. Be sure you walk somewhere safe and away from traffic, especially if you like to exercise at night or use reflective tape. The key to power walking is making it fun. Jog with a friend, listen to your favorite music, and be in your zone.

Take your time, be patient, and don’t rush; also don’t forget to take at least one day off to let your body rest and recharge. On this day you can meditate, do some yoga and relax. One last excellent cardio training, a stationary bicycle will build and strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and gastrocnemius muscle – located in the back of the lower leg; you will also work your heals, and your heals core. For great results, try at least three strength training sessions every week. If you are into weight loss exercise or you know someone who is looking to achieve their weight loss goal fallow these exercises and pass them along. So what is your best gym exercise to lose weight?

Photographs taken by Andrea Piacquadio @